46 research outputs found

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences


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    International audienceLa conception de systĂšmes passe d'ordinaire par une Ă©tape de modĂ©lisation, c'est-Ă -dire de cartographie des Ă©lĂ©ments, des ensembles et des flux permettant de saisir les relations qui rĂ©gissent la systĂ©mique informationnelle. On retrouve Ă©galement d'autres Ă©tapes de modĂ©lisation, ou d'utilisation de modĂšles, dans les diffĂ©rentes phases du cycle de vie d'un systĂšme : dans le cas notamment de sa construction (analyse des besoins, spĂ©cification fonctionnelle, conception), de sa maintenance (correction, Ă©volution, rĂ©ingĂ©nierie) et parfois mĂȘme de son utilisation. Si ces diffĂ©rents systĂšmes sont souvent hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, structurĂ©s suivant plusieurs dimensions mĂ©tiers et consĂ©quemment de grande taille, force est de remarquer qu'ils atteignent aujourd'hui un seuil critique 1. DĂšs lors, Ă  considĂ©rer qu'elle demeure opĂ©rante, la modĂ©lisation canonique des systĂšmes actuels souffre de n'ĂȘtre plus tout Ă  fait efficiente. Nous soutenons que ce qui ferait ici sĂ©vĂšrement dĂ©faut ce ne sont pas, Ă  proprement parler, les langages de modĂ©lisation eux-mĂȘmes mais bien plutĂŽt les reprĂ©sentations visuelles affĂ©rentes. En d'autres mots, si les logiques propres aux langages classiquement usitĂ©s (tels qu'UML et BPMN) ne s'en trouveraient pas fonciĂšrement remises en cause, ce serait bel et bien ici leurs syntaxes qui appelleraient des rĂ©visions et amendements majeurs. De ces modĂšles, il pourrait devenir presque impossible d'en retirer une lecture et comprĂ©hension claire ainsi qu'une vision globale ou vue d'ensemble. Or, les concepteurs Ă©laborent des modĂšles sur lesquels ils sont a m e n Ă© s Ă  raisonner, formulant entre autres nombre d'infĂ©rences. Ils les dĂ©finissent, les construisent puis les font varier, Ă©voluer au grĂ© de nouvelles expressions de besoins fonctionnels, au rythme du renouvellement des organisations et processus mĂ©tiers dans l'entreprise par exemple 2. Ces changements et Ă©volutions sont inĂ©luctables et constituent la vie mĂȘme de tout systĂšme. Les modĂšles existants ont Ă©tĂ© pensĂ©s et Ă©laborĂ©s pour y rĂ©pondre, s'y adapter. Reste que pour procĂ©der Ă  ces changements et transformations, le concepteur doit d'abord rĂ©soudre la simplification du phĂ©nomĂšne ou cas Ă©tudiĂ©, statuer sur ce qui doit ĂȘtre tantĂŽt amendĂ©, changĂ© tantĂŽt enrichi, complĂ©tĂ©. Pour ce faire, il ne peut se couper d'une apprĂ©hension Ă©largie du ou des modĂšles concernĂ©s. Malheureusement, c'est Ă  cet endroit prĂ©cis que des Ă©cueils se dressent dĂ©sormais ; il en va lĂ  d'importants problĂšmes persistants relevant de la gestion des modĂšles autant que de la gĂ©rance des informations qu'ils contiennent. 1. Ce seuil se voit marquĂ© principalement par une complexitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e des systĂšmes, des quantitĂ©s d'Ă©lĂ©ments inter-reliĂ©s devenues presque incommensurables, une trĂšs forte hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des informations de nature extrĂȘmement diverses, etc. 2. Mais aussi selon bien d'autres conversions encore

    Zebrafish models for human acute organophosphorus poisoning

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    Terrorist use of organophosphorus-based nerve agents and toxic industrial chemicals against civilian populations constitutes a real threat, as demonstrated by the terrorist attacks in Japan in the 1990 s or, even more recently, in the Syrian civil war. Thus, development of more effective countermeasures against acute organophosphorus poisoning is urgently needed. Here, we have generated and validated zebrafish models for mild, moderate and severe acute organophosphorus poisoning by exposing zebrafish larvae to different concentrations of the prototypic organophosphorus compound chlorpyrifos-oxon. Our results show that zebrafish models mimic most of the pathophysiological mechanisms behind this toxidrome in humans, including acetylcholinesterase inhibition, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activation, and calcium dysregulation as well as inflammatory and immune responses. The suitability of the zebrafish larvae to in vivo high-throughput screenings of small molecule libraries makes these models a valuable tool for identifying new drugs for multifunctional drug therapy against acute organophosphorus poisoning

    Giving Shape to Data

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    International audienc

    De l’émancipation de l’utilisateur par le design: Études interdisciplinaires et approches croisĂ©es/combinĂ©es pour la conception de nouveaux produits et services technologiques

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    International audienceAt the crossroads of various disciplines, this collective work examines the possibility of a new end-user ‘engagement’ in ongoing digital/technological products and services development. It provides an overview of recent research specifically focused on the user’s democratic participation and empowerment. It also enables readers to better identify the main opportunities of participatory design, a concept which encourages the blurring of the role between user and designer. This allows people to escape their status as “end-user” and to elevate themselves to the level of creator.This book explores new avenues for rethinking the processes and practices of corporate innovation in order to cope with current socio-economic and technological changes. In so doing, it aims to help companies renew industrial models that allow them to design and produce new ranges of technological products and services by giving the user an active role in the development process, far beyond the basic role of consumer.Intended for designers, design researchers and scientists interested in innovation and technology management, this book also provides a valuable resource for professionals involved in technology-based innovation processes.Cet ouvrage collectif examine la possibilitĂ© d’un plein engagement de l’utilisateur dans la conception et le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux produits et services technologiques. Rassemblant des Ă©tudes et analyses de rĂ©cents travaux/projets de design, il offre de ‘dĂ©crypter’ cette sibylline posture d’« utilisacteur » rompant radicalement avec la figure/l’image d’un usager-utilisateur presque apathique, empli de complexes et affaibli tant par la malhabiletĂ© que l’ignorance. DotĂ© alors des pleins pouvoirs de prescription et non plus limitĂ© Ă  la formulation de simples recommandations et prĂ©conisations d’usage, ce nouvel utilisateur-praticien se verrait appelĂ© Ă  entrer en coopĂ©ration dans la dĂ©finition et confection/concrĂ©tisation de biens et services (co-design), Ă  rejoindre diffĂ©rents cercles d’amateurs Ă©clairĂ©s s’employant Ă  dĂ©couvrir les potentiels de nouvelles techniques et technologies. Un tel investissement de l’usager composerait dĂšs lors la marque d’une nouvelle forme d’émancipation crĂ©ative soutenue, entre autres, par l’amĂ©nagement de nouveaux dispositifs de collaboration Ă  distance , par le dĂ©veloppement d’un large panel d’outils de crĂ©ation-conception et de fabrication-production Ă  la portĂ©e de tous, y compris des plus jeunes — ces dĂ©veloppements impliquant Ă©galement l’installation de lieux et d’espaces dĂ©diĂ©s (« Creative and Fabrication Lab, Hackerspace », etc.) encourageant les rencontres croisĂ©es, les actions et synergies collectives.L’ouvrage suit une certaine "gradation" partant de contributions que nous qualifierions (par commoditĂ©) de « gĂ©nĂ©rales » en direction d’autres jugĂ©es plus « spĂ©cifiques ». Plus exactement, le dĂ©but du livre accueille des rĂ©flexions d’ordre plutĂŽt thĂ©orique et conceptuel prĂ©cisant les visĂ©es et attendus de cet engagement de l’utilisateur dans le champ du design — signalant, en sus et ce de maniĂšre expresse, les transformations et perturbations majeures qu’il augure pour la pratique du design. Ces premiĂšres sections sont suivies d’autres travaux Ă©valuant cette fois l’impact de cette participation active de l’utilisateur-usager dans le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux processus et mĂ©thodologies d’innovation par le design — en faveur d’un nouveau design participatif, contributif et consĂ©quemment largement ouvert Ă  la collaboration. De nouvelles contributions se focalisent ensuite sur l’étude des rĂ©cents outils, mĂ©thodes et approches nouvelles de conception et de rĂ©alisation de produits et services technologiques appelant Ă  une forte implication de l’utilisateur Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux. Enfin, l’ouvrage se conclut par quelques Ă©tudes de cas offrant de mesurer certaines avancĂ©es dĂ©jĂ  significatives

    Empowering users through design: interdisciplinary studies and combined approaches for technological products and services

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    At the crossroads of various disciplines, this collective work examines the possibility of a new end-user “engagement” in ongoing digital/technological products and services development. It provides an overview of recent research specifically focused on the user’s democratic participation and empowerment. It also enables readers to better identify the main opportunities of participatory design, a concept which encourages the blurring of the role between user and designer. This allows people to escape their status as “end-user” and to elevate themselves to the level of creator. This book explores new avenues for rethinking the processes and practices of corporate innovation in order to cope with current socio-economic and technological changes. In so doing, it aims to help companies renew industrial models that allow them to design and produce new ranges of technological products and services by giving the user an active role in the development process, far beyond the basic role of consumer. Intended for designers, design researchers and scientists interested in innovation and technology management, this book also provides a valuable resource for professionals involved in technology-based innovation processes

    Les nouveaux défis pour le design de données

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    International audienceThis book provides a platform for leading Data designers whose vision and creativity help us to anticipate major changes occurring in the Data Design field, and pre-empt the future. Each of them strives to provide new answers to the question, “What challenges await Data Design?” To avoid falling into too narrow a mind-set, each works hard to elucidate the breadth of Data Design today and to demonstrate its widespread application across a variety of business sectors. With end users in mind, designer-contributors bring to light the myriad of purposes for which the field was originally intended, forging the bond even further between Data Design and the aims and intentions of those who contribute to it. The first seven parts of the book outline the scope of Data Design, and presents a line-up of “viewpoints” that highlight this discipline’s main topics, and offers an in-depth look into practices boasting both foresight and imagination. The eighth and final part features a series of interviews with Data designers and artists whose methods embody originality and marked singularity.As a result, a number of enlightening concepts and bright ideas unfold within the confines of this book to help dispel the thick fog around this new and still relatively unknown discipline. A plethora of equally eye-opening and edifying new terms, words, and key expressions also unfurl. Informing, influencing, and inspiring are just a few of the buzz words belonging to an initiative that is, first and foremost, a creative one, not to mention the possibility to discern the ever-changing and naturally complex nature of today’s datasphere.Providing an invaluable and cutting-edge resource for design researchers, this work is also intended for students, professionals and practitioners involved in Data Design, Interaction Design, Digital and Media Design, Data and Information Visualization, Computer Science and Engineering.Cet ouvrage rĂ©unit les contributions (articles, interviews Ă©crites) de chercheurs ‘praticiens’, de designers de renommĂ©e internationale offrant aux lecteurs une comprĂ©hension Ă©largie des Ă©volutions et changements aujourd’hui Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans le champ du design de donnĂ©es. Se refusant aux seules considĂ©rations spĂ©cialistes, ces auteurs prĂ©cisent Ă©galement quelles en sont les visĂ©es et finalitĂ©s principales recoupant ainsi avec leurs propres intentions et approches de conception crĂ©ative. Ainsi apparaissent dans ce livre quantitĂ© de concepts Ă©clairants, d’idĂ©es lumineuses offrant de dissiper le brouillard Ă©pais d’une spĂ©cialitĂ© nouvelle encore largement mĂ©connue.Le volume se voit dĂ©coupĂ© en huit sections. Les sept premiĂšres couvrent les principaux champs d’action du design de donnĂ©es. Chaque designer/chercheur-auteur se voit confiĂ© l’écriture d’un chapitre retenant un thĂšme, un sujet ou bien encore une problĂ©matique de leur choix . Il en rĂ©sulte alors une suite ordonnĂ©e de points de vue rendant compte en creux des domaines et centres d’intĂ©rĂȘts majeurs qu’abrite la spĂ©cialitĂ© et dĂ©taillant certaines pratiques Ă  la fois visionnaires et engageantes. La huitiĂšme et derniĂšre section accueille, quant Ă  elle, une sĂ©rie d’entretiens avec des designers et artistes de donnĂ©es dont la dĂ©marche autant que les rĂ©alisations rĂ©pondent d’une grande originalitĂ© ainsi que d’une singularitĂ© manifeste. Oscillant entre tĂ©moignage et confidence, dĂ©claration et revendication, vision et projection, ces designers-artistes rĂ©vĂšlent aux lecteurs, d’une part, les arcanes de leur engagement personnel et leur livrent, d’autre part, les prĂ©ceptes les plus contemporains du design de donnĂ©es